
Of course you can trust the high quality of our products, and our adherence to existing environmental and production standards. Here you will gain an overview on the international and national standards and rules for our products and our company.

REACH compliance certificate, EU-VO 1907/2006

We follow the provisions of REACH regulations, including the resultant obligations. The following activities prove the status of their implementation in our company:

We do not conduct any independent analyses in regards to REACH. The statements in this declaration are based on the technical data from our supply chain, from which we assume that they are reliable and correct. The information made available will be updated if we learn of new items or supplemental information. Should we find material on the SVHC list with a higher concentration than that approved in REACH, the customers concerned will be notified.

RoHS compliance (2011/65/EU), as per the Elektrogesetz (ElektroG) [Electrical Law]

These guidelines serve to limit the use of hazardous materials listed below:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Hexavalent chrome or Cr6+
  • Polybrominated biphenyl
  • PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ether)
The (max.) limit value for all materials is 0.1% (1000 ppm) by weight. This limit value for cadmium is 0.01% (100 ppm) by weight.

In regards to the restriction process we note that the products which we market could contain substances that are limited on the RoHS regulation (Restriction of Cerrtain Hazardous Substances) and show a concentration of more than 0.1% by weight.

In order to fulfill our information obligations, we are in constant contact with our supply chain in order to determine whether there are SVHC-listed substances in the material delivered to us.

Amphenol‐Air LB itself does not perform any analyses in regards to RoHS. The statements in this declaration are based on the technical data from our supply chain, from which we assume that they are reliable and correct. The information made available will be updated if we learn of new items or supplemental information.

Should Amphenol-Air LB GmbH find material on the RoHS list with a higher concentration than that approved in the 2011/65/EU directive, the customers concerned will be notified.

Supply Chain Documents

We continually evaluate our suppliers to confirm that they are acting to ensure the sustainability of our world while behaving as responsible global citizens. We work to promote fair labor practices throughout our supply chain and prohibit the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor. Our commitment against the use of conflict minerals is resolute and our programs are comprehensive. We actively survey our supply chain on an annual basis to ensure compliance with our policies.

Anti-Human Trafficking and Slavery Statement
Conflict Minerals Report
Responsible Minerals Policy
+ Supplier Code of Conduct
+ Supplier Responsible Labor Policy