Our products’ high quality standard forms the basis for economic security of our company, our competitiveness and constant expansion in market share. Quality to us means fulfilling our customers desires and requirements in the best possible way--if possible, to exceed them.
Therefore our company’s quality policy is a component of our strategic corporate planning. The central point is successful and long-term work with our customers. Ensuring high quality standards for our products for aerospace and industry, military technology and traffic is an important criterion for our customers’ decision to buy, and is a significant contributor to our market success. Our framework is built on a trouble-free organization and the use of our quality management system.
We have set out the following corporate principles in our quality policy:
- Determine customer requirements as well as possible
- Continuously improve the product in order to meet our customers´ requirements
- Quality begins with contract examination and ends with organized and customer-oriented after-sales service
- We work as partners with our suppliers in order to improve product quality
- The quality of our products is our first priority for us to remain competitive.
- Suitable employee qualification reduces errors and helps to avoid mistakes
- Continuing education increases employee motivation
- We protect the environment by applying the DIN ISO 14001 environmental management system.
- We promote our employees´ quality consciousness
The Board appoints the Head of the Quality Department as the Quality Officer who ensures the creation, development and maintenance of the quality management system in accordance with DIN EN 9100. All employees are responsible in their area of responsibility for the application of quality management activities in order to achieve customer satisfaction and thereby to ensure the continuing success of our company.